8′ X-ING With Skid Optics
Item #: 8'-HT894154-SO
Price: $299.45
Product Description
Hot Tape is a heat fused prefabricated thermoplastic pavement marking material. Pur new high tech polymer resins out performs your typical hydrocarbon and alkyd based preformed thermoplastic materials.
Performance was the most important factor in the development of Hot Tape. The first factor we took into consideration to achieve the performance we were looking for was durability. Hot Tape is so durable that it can be installed in locations bearing heavy urban traffic or in isolated areas and still last for years and years. The second factor was the retroreflectivity. Our Hot Tape reflects so well it can be seen in the darkest night. The third factor we considered was the bonding. We wanted a product that would bond fast so the road crews and the traffic would not be tied up for a long time and we accomplished this goal with Hot Tape. Next, we wanted a convenient and easy to use product. Hot Tape can be quickly applied by a couple of people with a simple propane torch. You do not have to mobilize extensive crews and application equipment no matter how big or small the job is. One of the final things we took into consideration when developing our Hot Tape was that we wanted a material that could be installed in almost any climate. Hot Tape can be installed in very hot desert temperatures or at near freezing pint temperatures. This extends the striping season and makes it more profitable for everyone. There were many factors we considered in the development of Hot Tape, the durability, retroreflectivity, quickness in bonding, the convenience of any easy to use product and that it can be installed almost year round, were just a few characteristics that will surpass all your expectations. Hot Tape will be your only choice for all your preformed markings.
Hot Tape is packaged in 30 Foot rolls, any standard width, and 3 foot flat sheets with your choice of thickness (60, 90, or 125 Mil) Hot Tape arrows, symbols, legends, letters and numbers come in standard heights and widths with your choice of thickness (60, 90, or 125 Mil) Hot Tape comes in a variety of colors such as white, yellow(regular or no lead), black, blue, green or red. Hot Tape can be purchased with or without drop beads. Custom designs, thickness, and color are also available on special orders.
All of our Hot Tape is made with ViziGrip® (Skid Optics). ViziGrip® is a unique feature of Hot Tape designed to ensure that skid resistance and retroreflectivity are maximized especially where loss of traction in wet conditions is of major concern. For enhanced skid/slip resistance, Ennis-Flint recommends using Hot Tape with ViziGrip® in areas with pedestrian and cyclist traffic such as crosswalks, bike paths as well as parking facilities using Hot Tape for lines, legends, arrows, accessibility symbols, and word legends.