Price: Please Call
Product Description
EASY-KLEEN is not just a glass cleaner, but a truly remarkable glass and light duty all purpose cleaner, that really does remove grease, smoke and pesty soils without streaking, and it helps keep them cleaner longer, because it leaves no residue.
Fantasic for glass, chrome, stainless steel, and any thing that can be cleaned with water, including carpet and upholstery spotting. (It removes grease, oil and food stains.)
Easy-Kleen is available as a convenient, ready to use, or concentrated for use in a buddy system (1 gallon concentrate makes 5 gallons ready to use).
Packaging: 12/16 oz. with sprayers – case
12/32 oz. with 2 sprayers – case
6/1 gallon case
55 gallon drum
Appearance: Light Blue liquid
Slight ammonia
Flammability: Not flammable, water solution
Solubility: Completely water soluble
pH Concentrate: 8.8 +/- 0.3
pH 10% Solution: 7.9 +/- 0.3
Weight Per Gal: 8.95 lbs. per gallon
Caustic Content: None
Abrasives: None