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Dual Two-Part Epoxy Gun (FIRMmarker®)


Price: $110.00

Product Description

FIRMmarker® DUAL TWO-PART EPOXY GUN (20oz Epoxy Cartridge)

FIRMmarker® Road Marker Adhesive is a 2-part epoxy adhesive designed to affix traffic markers (RPMs), delineators, surface mount traffic indicators, and safety posts to concrete, but can also be used to bond concrete to a variety of other materials such as concrete, wood, or asphalt.

  • Must be applied using a double-barrel caulking gun
  • The cartridge and gun system mixes the product at the moment of application
  • Greatly reduces preparation time
  • Eliminates waste
  • Each tube is 10oz
  • Reseals for storage
  • Quick-release applicator tips
  • Precision application

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